Thursday, February 6, 2020 |
WiseSpot Transitions to UC.NOW Communicatons Platform |
Doing their part to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Hong Kong, WiseSpot Company Limited today announced they have been using UC.NOW, a real-time communication and collaboration software, as their online interview platform since the CNY public holidays. more info >> |
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 |
Coronavirus Hastened WiseSpot's Adoption of UC.NOW Online Interview Tool To Cope With Their 2020 Recruitment Peak Season |
Doing their part to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Hong Kong, WiseSpot Company Limited today announced that they have begun using UC Now Communication Limited's UC.NOW real-time communication & collaboration software as their online interview platform since after the CNY public holidays. more info >> |
全民抗「炎」恰逢求职旺季 港企斯博有限公司加快使用UC.NOW实时通讯协作方案作网上招聘面试 |
为配合全城防疫,斯博有限公司宣布,春节假期后已开始使用由今之科技有限公司研发的UC.NOW实时通讯协作方案作网上面试,尽量省却非必要的面对面接触,以降低交叉感染之风险。 more info >> |
全民抗「炎」恰逢求職旺季 港企斯博有限公司加快使用UC.NOW即時通訊協作方案作網上招聘面試 |
為配合全城防疫,斯博有限公司宣佈,春節假期後已開始使用由今之科技有限公司研發的UC.NOW即時通訊協作方案作網上面試,盡量省卻非必要的面對面接觸,以降低交叉感染之風險。就算安排同事在家工作,仍可利用技術儘量有效維持公司之日常運作,包括招聘等需要。 more info >> |
Coronavirus Hastened WiseSpot's Adoption of UC.NOW Online Interview Tool To Cope With Their 2020 Recruitment Peak Season |
Doing their part to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Hong Kong, WiseSpot Company Limited today announced that they have begun using UC Now Communication Limited's UC.NOW real-time communication & collaboration software as their online interview platform since after the CNY public holidays. more info >> |
Monday, November 4, 2019 |
斯博有限公司伙同Sigma Systems为SmarTone提供企业目录管理系统 |
香港系统开发及整合商斯博有限公司宣布,将伙同世界级目录驱动软件商Sigma Systems,为数码通电讯集团有限公司(下称SmarTone)提供名为企业产品目录管理系统Enterprise Product Catalog System, 简称EPC ) 的大型数码转型项目。 more info >> |
斯博有限公司夥同Sigma Systems為SmarTone提供企業目錄管理系統 |
香港系統開發及整合商斯博有限公司宣佈,將夥同世界級目錄驅動軟件商Sigma Systems,為數碼通電訊集團有限公司(下稱SmarTone)提供名為企業產品目錄管理系統Enterprise Product Catalog System, 簡稱EPC) 的大型數碼轉型項目。 more info >> |
WiseSpot Partners With Sigma Systems On Enterprise Product Catalog System For SmarTone |
Hong-Kong based WiseSpot Company Limited (WiseSpot) today announces that it will partner with Sigma Systems, the global leader in catalog-driven software, to provide the Enterprise Product Catalog System (EPC) to SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited (SmarTone) more info >> |