The Hong Kong Institute of Directors ("HKIoD") is accepting nominations for its annual awards - Directors of the Year Awards 2013 starting today. more info >>
The Hong Kong Institute of Directors ("HKIoD") announced and honoured winners of the Directors Of The Year Awards ("DYA") 2012 today at the 15th Anniversary Dinner of the Institute held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. more info >>
香港董事学会宣布「2012年度杰出董事奖」选举今日起接受提名。一年一度举行的杰出董事奖乃亚洲同类奖项的先驱,今年度已是此奖项设立第十二周年。本年度杰出董事奖的主题定为 –「董事持续专业发展,提升董事会能力」,旨在鼓励董事奉行持续专业发展,确保董事会有足够能力,从而达致更佳企业管治水平。 more info >>
香港董事學會宣布「2012年度傑出董事獎」選舉今日起接受提名。一年一度舉行的傑出董事獎乃亞洲同類獎項的先驅,今年度已是此獎項設立第十二週年。本年度傑出董事獎的主題定為 –「董事持續專業發展,提升董事會能力」,旨在鼓勵董事奉行持續專業發展,確保董事會有足夠能力,從而達致更佳企業管治水準。 more info >>
The Hong Kong Institute of Directors ("HKIoD") is accepting nominations for its prestigious Directors of the Year Awards 2012 starting today. These annual awards are the first of their kind in Asia and have entered their twelfth year. This year's Awards have "Enhancing Board Competence through Continuing Professional Development for Directors" as the theme. more info >>
The Hong Kong Institute of Directors announced and honoured winners of the Directors Of The Year Awards 2011 today at the Annual Dinner of the Institute held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. more info >>