Thursday, October 8, 2020 |
HKIoD Voices Reservations about "Lead INED" but Affirms Room for Improving Effectiveness of INEDs |
Recently, there have been discussions in the financial market about the suggested introduction of a lead independent non-executive director ("Lead INED") on the boards of listed companies. The Hong Kong Institute of Directors ("HKIoD") expresses strong reservations about the suggested introduction and states its views regarding enhancing the effectiveness and accountability of INEDs. more info >> |
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 |
香港董事学会调查显示上市公司董事会组成人数存大差异;性别多元亦有改善空间 |
根据香港董事学会一项关于董事会特色的调查显示,香港主要上市公司的董事会组成人数存有很大差异,在性别多元方面也有改善空间,建议董事会及提名委员会需要密切留意。 more info >> |
香港董事學會調查顯示上市公司董事會組成人數存大差異;性別多元亦有改善空間 |
根據香港董事學會一項關於董事會特色的調查顯示,香港主要上市公司的董事會組成人數存有很大差異,在性別多元方面也有改善空間,建議董事會及提名委員會需要密切留意。 more info >> |
HKIoD Survey Findings Revealed Listed Companies with Wide Range of Board Sizes and Room for Gender Diversity |
According to a survey on board characteristics organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Directors ("HKIoD"), major companies listed in Hong Kong showed a wide range of board sizes but had room to introduce greater gender diversity, warranting closer attention by boards and nomination committees. more info >> |
Wednesday, June 3, 2020 |
「2020年度杰出董事奖」现已接受提名 |
香港董事学会宣布「2020年度傑出董事獎」选举正式接受提名。去年,中美贸易战及持续不断的社会运动令香港经济陷入衰退危机;今年,新冠肺炎疫情令全球经济陷入瘫痪,但同时亦加速了云端办公室、电子商贸等项目的发展。 more info >> |
「2020年度傑出董事獎」現已接受提名 |
香港董事學會宣布「2020年度傑出董事獎」選舉正式接受提名。去年,中美貿易戰及持續不斷的社會運動令香港經濟陷入衰退危機;今年,新冠肺炎疫情令全球經濟陷入癱瘓,但同時亦加速了雲端辦公室、電子商貿等項目的發展。 more info >> |
Nomination Opens for "Directors Of The Year Awards 2020" |
The Hong Kong Institute of Directors ("HKIoD") has announced that its annual "Directors Of The Year Awards 2020" is open for nominations today. Last year, the US-China trade war and ongoing social unrest have plunged Hong Kong's economy into a recession. This year, the coronavirus pandemic has paralysed the global economy, but at the same time a more info >> |
Monday, May 18, 2020 |
香港董事学会公布「上市公司企业管治水准报告」2020 |
由香港董事学会筹办的「香港上市公司企业管治水准报告」2020今天公布结果。与最近一次即2016年所发布的调查结果相比,2020年样本公司的企业管治指数平均得分由71.82分上升至78.44分,显示香港企业管治素质有显著改善。 more info >> |
香港董事學會公布「上市公司企業管治水準報告」2020 |
由香港董事學會籌辦的「香港上市公司企業管治水準報告」2020今天公布結果。與最近一次即2016年所發布的調查結果相比,2020年樣本公司的企業管治指數平均得分由71.82分上升至78.44分,顯示香港企業管治素質有顯著改善。 more info >> |
HKIoD Announces Corporate Governance Scorecard 2020 |
The Hong Kong Institute of Directors ("HKIoD") has today announced the results of the "2020 HKIoD Corporate Governance Scorecard". A highlight is that the mean Corporate Governance Index (CGI) score of the 2020 Scorecard has increased to 78.44 compared with 71.82, in the most recent survey announced in 2016, indicating significant improvement in Hong Kong corporate governance standards. more info >> |